54 degrees also offers a fantastic flexible, value for money service to help you deliver more successful and efficient projects.

Sarah has run many successful projects from her laptop, her phone or joining customers for meetings as required.

So how do customers benefit from flexible project management? You get access to your project manager 5 days a week. Not all day every day, but Sarah will regularly check emails and follow up calls at some point during each day of the week – maybe even weekends! But you only pay for the time she is actually working on your project.

You suddenly have a skilled professional ensuring that you are on top of that project which seemed to be getting nowhere. You will also have information on which bits of work are on schedule and which are not, and why.

And when the project has been safely delivered with fewer sleepless nights than you ever imagined possible, you will still have money in the budget for the next project.


“Sarah knows project management methodology inside out but is able to apply it pragmatically so that it doesn’t become over bureaucratic.” Jackie Ridley, Head of Projects & Programmes at NYCC

“Sarah is a highly motivated and exceptionally talented project manager. Her communications skills combined with her background in training and mentoring make her an excellent choice for developing budding project managers.”Richard Corney, Freelance Programme and Project Manager

Call Sarah on 07976 395754 or email sarah@54-degrees.co.uk to discuss your requirements