The easy way to snogging good projects!

Snogging – what a great word that is – do kids still use it – they should!!

The point I really want to make is about KISSing – Keep It Simple Stupid

Using the term project management makes people think of big stuff – IT, construction etc – but putting a realistic & structured plan together & working to it can be helpful whatever size or complexity of work you are trying to get done.

We often put off doing really great things because the thought of doing everything is too overwhelming. So make it easier – do it with baby steps – step

by step

by step.

Get going by doing the easy stuff first if that is what works for you.

I like nothing better than sitting on my sofa, with some gentle music, a mug of Earl Grey tea & maybe a caramel slice – in my creative zone!

What a treat,

how lovely,

how calming…

Now get out a large piece of paper, a pencil and a rubber and start to write down what you think needs doing to get your idea going…

And before you know it you are underway…

Go on have a go, put the kettle on and take that first baby step towards your snogging great project!

Tweet @sarah54degrees #snogpm if you think we should keep project management simple